Is there a particular day of the week or the month that you dislike? Maybe an upcoming event you shrink at the thought of? That is my Tuesday! Unlike most people, I rather enjoy Mondays. Tuesday is the new Monday for me. I work a full 8hr day in an office on Tuesday but also must keep my toddler happy, napped, and feed, and have dinner somewhat in the makings. I have two days like this in a week, the other being Thursday, but don't despise the day so much because it is followed by Friday - the beginning of my weekend.
That's all it is. The work hours are the same, the job description is the same, the perspective is different. Why are Mondays bad? Why are my Tuesdays bad and not my Thursdays? Why do I look forward to some events and not others?
Time is the most expensive thing you can give. Most people (myself being included) live for days that belong to them. No one enjoys giving their time to some else. We would rather waste time doing nothing because we feel like it, rather than help some one else because they need it. We are selfish. We don't like Monday's because we are called away from our "me time" to give our precious time to someone else. I don't like Tuesdays because my whole day is swallowed up doing someone else's job. And I know that I will have to do again the next day and the next. But Thursday isn't as bad because I can look forward to friday which is MY day.
Aren't you glad Christ had the right perspective when He willingly came to earth. Aren't you glad He didn't decide to stay in heaven; because earth swallowed up HIS time, and His life and that would have been a great excuse to "Stay home".
By allowing our perspective to be swayed by the world, we (our time and perspective) are being swallowed up by the world. So by fighting for our rights, we are losing our rights. Because we are being selfish and hoarding our time back for ourselves, we are losing that time right between our fingers.
Don't let other's teach you that your time belongs to you. Take your perspective from the Word of God and see how important it is to live each day for the day that it is and live it in a way that pleases God and helps others.
How is your perspective today?
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