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DIY Baby Mobile/Chandelier

I have had an utterly Pink to the max nursery for a year and a half now. I'm not a fan of so much pink but was pleased to have a decorated nursery thanks to all of the decorations from my daughters baby showers and various items we already owned. But all cheap things must come to an end! We are moving on to a woodland/fox theme. 

I chose this mobile/chandelier to hang over my daughters crib because it reminded me of a wreath of flowers that a little girl would make on an escapade through the forest. 

 DIY Baby Mobile/Chandelier

 Find a round hoop about 12 inches across. I used the bottom of this old lamp shade. I just ripped the bottom metal band out of this lampshade and cleaned it off a bit. It was perfect!
I used this pink all purpose craft ribbon. Any kind of ribbon or strips of cloth will do. 
 Then I wrapped the whole ring in the pink ribbon to hide the ugly metal.

 I tied a knot where the ends came to meet and left it hanging .
 Then I tied three more ribbons on; making 4 ribbons to hang the mobile/chandelier on.
I made a few felt flowers. Follow the tutorial here and here. and bought two bouquets of silk flowers. Cut each one off so it is a single flower. Cut it pretty short. Just long enough to wrap around your hoop.

Push the leaves up right next to the flower. 
 Wrap each stem around your ribbon covered circle. wrap it tight so your flowers won't move around and cut off any excess stem.
 I sewed the felt flowers on.
 Here is the flower ring finished. All of the flowers are pointing down. (because it will be hanging over the crib.)
 I bought $7 worth of beads at JoAnn's; several different types, but all clear.

 I strung 4 smaller strands and tied them around each of the four sides. and then three longer strands and looped them through the middle.
Tie the four ribbons in a knot low down, make sure they are even. Then tie another knot at the very top to hang the chandelier on. 
And project complete!
More projects and pictures to come as the room comes together! Happy creating for whatever project you are working on!



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