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Home Is Where The _____ Is.

There is a wonderful old saying that we all know that goes like this; "Home is where the heart is." When I think of that phrase I get a list of things in my mind.

  • Mom - working, cooking, loving and caring for the whole family
  • Dad - coming home from work and giving mom a big kiss
  • children with the smell of the great outdoors on them 
  • Family dinner and lots of chatter
  • Work days around the house
  • Laundry, dishes, and chores
  • Smiles at seeing your house after a vacation or long day of grocery shopping
  • Backyard Baseball
  • Lemonade Stands
Home is our safe zone, our haven. As children, it's all we know. It's something we look to for memories and the "good old days". When I think about the phrase "Home is where the heart is" I think of family unity, I think of family discussions, (including arguments), and a home utilized for family, friends, and hospitality.

I also think of cheezy little trinket signs with this phrase painted on with a  stencil in powder blue. It's common to see that sign in the previous generations homes, but rarely is it found in this generations home. That's because we are focusing on things other than our homes. We replace the word home with phrases like:

Home is where...

  • We store all of our possessions
  • we sleep - most of the time
  • dump our school/work stuff before running out the door
  • we are required to see those we live with and face arguments and differing personalities
  • laundry is piled up and the trash needs to be taken out
  • the mortgage is overdue and the light bill is growing
Home is where the STRESS is.

The heart of the home is something in the past. The heart is no longer a joint effort, no longer a combined family heart. It's every man for himself. Your home is wherever you are. Your home is wherever your heart leads you.
We've given up mother's and children at home, we don't believe that an average income is okay, we've turned our back on unity and others. All so we can pursue a life with purpose. So we can follow our heart. So we can be true to ourselves. But have you noticed, there is no perfect world of everything you want in the end. Look at the famed millionaires who can have everything they want and yet they are still not satisfied. What is it that you are making more money for? why are you eating out again instead of cooking dinner? Why are you watching another t.v. show(in the middle of the day)? Why do your children need better grades? Why do you need a bigger house? What are you pushing for? What are you shirking away from?

Is it because "good" citizens don't make history? We all want to be popular. We all want that lime light fame. We want to be comfortably rich. We want our kids to be out of our hair or maybe you want them to continue the great legacy of your family name? Maybe with all of the modern convinces you don't see the need to eat at home? Maybe with all of the choices of entrainment you don't feel the need to sit down and just talk with your family.

We are a generation of children who don't want to grow up and face the reality of life. We are a generation that has been coddled since birth and been given the golden scepter of love, life, and happiness. But our generation isn't finding happiness in themselves, and that's because happiness doesn't come from ourselves, or things we do, or feel, or think we want. We are striving to reach a goal that doesn't exist. We are waisting our lives trying to reach a platform that we think is just above the next cloud, but really, there is nothing there. Nothing to attain, nothing to grab ahold of.

It's our job to nurture the next generation and teach them about heaven - the ultimate goal. It's our job to tell other's that life isn't about us. Heaven isn't about us. Heaven isn't filled with all of your favorite things. Heaven isn't the ultimate end goal to your financial climb. Your wealth of money doesn't come with you. Heaven isn't a totem pole of good deeds. It's our job to create an atmosphere that is Christ-centered and to teach our children, be an example to our neighbors, coworkers, and friends, and build our spouses up with a Christ-like love. Where is your heart leading you? Is your heart leading you away from your loved ones? Is it leading you away from the example of God's love. It is our job as adults to take ahold of the steering wheel of our lives and direct it with firm conviction. Don't be swayed by your heart, or the heart of those around you. It's our job as husbands and wives to be there for each other. It's our job to create a safe haven for our spouse.  It's our jobs as fathers and mothers to create homes with a heart for God. A home to raise young souls for Christ.

Consider where your time is being spent. Is it being used on yourself to promote your greatness, or are you using it to promote the greatness of God, specifically to those who are under your influence.



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