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Couple's Vision Retreat - Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of this series, you can find it here.

Last time, I gave you details on how to have a vision retreat. Today, I want to show you our schedule  of what we actually did and some fun pictures. Our destination was Columbus, Ohio - a short 3 hour drive (in comparison to our monthly 10 hour trek with a 2 year old). We pricelined a Hyatt Regency in the middle of downtown for a total of 3 nights. We were told 3-5 days is recommend for a thorough retreat, so we left Thursday evening after work and came home Sunday evening. I thought it was the perfect amount of time, although we did not complete every question.

Vision Retreat Schedule
THURS. 17th ā€¦ 
 - Leave from office @ 6:00pm. 
 - Bring/eat dinner on the way
 - work on VR material
 - Arrive at hotel 9:00pm / stay in

FRIDAY 18th ā€¦
 - up 7:30am
 - breakfast (brought and in room)
 - work on VR material
 - Short North
    + eat lunch/ work on VR material
 - ice skating 3:45pm-5:00pm ($5)
 - Dinner @ Short North /work on VR material
 - stay in - evening

SAT. 19th ā€¦
 - up 7:30am
 - Breakfast (brought and in room)
 - work on VR material
 - Lunch (Max and Ermaā€™s?? Raising Cane?) work on VR material
 - German Village
 - Dinner @ Schimdts(11-11)/ work on VR material
 - Stay in  - evening 

SUN. 20th ā€¦
 - up 7:30am
 - breakfast (brought and in room) 
 - check out
 - Cosi 10:00am-5:00pm ($19)
 - Dinner (drive thru) 
 - Family vision statement
 - arrive home 8:00pm-9:00pm

  What we actually did:
THURS. 17th ā€¦ 
 - Ate dinner at the office
 - Left around 6:45 
 - worked on VR material
 - Arrived at hotel 9:30pm / stayed in

FRIDAY 18th ā€¦
 - up 7:30am
 - breakfast (brought and in room)
 - worked on VR material till about 11:00 (included getting ready for the day) 
 - Walked to Short North
    + shopped and ate lunch at Philco, then went to One Line Coffee to work on VR material 
 - No ice skating - new schedule. 
 - Walked home, ate at Max and Erma's which was connected to our hotel. (worked a little bit on VR material)
 - stayed in - evening

SAT. 19th ā€¦
 - up 7:45am
 - Breakfast (brought and in room)
 - worked on VR material till about 11:15 (included getting ready for the day) 
 - Walked about 1 hour to the German village and ate at Schmidts then shopped around and walked through the streets of german houses. 
 - Walked to Winans Coffee shop and worked on VR material
 - spent a couple hours in the Book Loft
 - Walked home and then drove to Raising Cane for dinner (worked a little bit on VR material)
 - Went to One Line Coffee (worked on VR Material)
 - Drove back to hotel and worked a little bit on VR material

SUN. 20th ā€¦
 - up 8:00am
 - breakfast (brought and in room) 
 - checked out around 9:30
 - Cosi (science museum) 10:00am-4:00pm 
 - Drove back to Philco for dinner.
 - left for home around 5:15 (wrote family vision statement while driving)
 - arrived home 8:30
Philco Menu

Fried Egg Tacos
One Line Coffee (Cozy hot chocolate) 
Schmidt's German Restaurant
Alpine Chicken with Spatzel

Winans Coffee Shop

Lego display at COSI

Lego portrait of the Mona Lisa at COSI
Recycled Junk Art at COSI

Exhibit of a town called Progress in the year 1898

Exhibit  continued, same town 64 years later in the year 1962
If you ever make it to Columbus, Ohio, check out some of these places! Since being home, we've already heard about several other places we would like to visit, so I'm sure we will be back!



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