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Children's Books that Teach Lessons

I love children's books! I have a bazillion of them and I also have a steady stream of them coming into my home. Most of them come from the thrift store - It's the cheapest place to get books, and you will find some of the most unique books in the world there. No seriously go look!

My other steady stream of books comes from my job. That's right I love books so much that I sell them! Usborne Books and More has an abundance of interactive books, life teaching books, and think outside the box books. I really struggle making money when all I want to do is buy more books...and more books... and more books... and,... yes it's a real problem! If you want to take a peek into what I'm so addicted to,  check out my website here.

Children's books that teach a lesson...why else read a book except to learn something from it. I learn stuff from fictional characters all the time, so I'm not saying read nonfiction only. Just always be on the look out for lessons to be learned. Books are written by real people who have experienced real things and they can't help but put a little bit of real life into whatever story they are creating.

Helping is Fun - This book has fun rhyming text and teaches children that helping can be fun. It's a great way to teach children that work is fun and to teach parents that working with children is beneficial...(for the child and your relationship with them) 

 What Would Jesus Do - a simplified version of the classic "In His Steps". This is a book I had when I was little. It has beautiful illustrations and the ever needed lesson about helping others. It is set up in chapters and can easily broken up into multiple readings for younger children, or all at once by an older reader. I love the way the story starts...a church picnic with all the Christians in their sunday best enjoying time together, but when a little dirty boy comes for help they all ignore him, every single one of them - including the pastor. Find out how this boy changes the heart of those who finally reach out to him.

 Johnny the Fireman - This is a new favorite in our house, bought with the masking tape already on the binding! This little boy wants to be a hardware man just like his daddy when he grows up, but he also love the job of a fireman. You'll love the ending when he figures out how to be both! But I also love the fact that there are big gaps of time in this book. In a world of instant gratification, I can't help but enjoy this retro book where waiting all summer, or a few weeks or months for certain things is normal. A child might not even pick up on it, but I was reminded to slow down and be patient!

 Pig Will and Pig Won't - Richard Scarry's fun illustrations show how two brothers (complete oppostistes) deal with daily manners. Pig Will is always ver polite and does what is right and Pig Won't  - won't! In the end Pig Won't is miserable and learns that being polite and kind is the best way to be happy!!

 The Very Quiet Cricket - Another story on patience, this cricket wants to do what everyone else is doing, make noise (talk) but he can't! He tries all day but nothing happens...not a sound. A great book with repetitive words that your child can say with you and a great way to demonstrate patience!

 All Better - A fun and interactive way to show compassion and use a ton of band-aids. My 3 year old would use a hundred band-aids in a week if I let her...but I don't. This book has reusable band-aid stickers that you can place on each animals boo-boos. Again, great repetitive text and hands on learning, teaching your child to care for others.

 "Clean it, Kiss it, Put a Band-Aid on it...All Better!"

 Miss Suzy - I just found this book last week. It's the story of a little grey squirrel named Miss Suzy. she loves to sing, she loves to clean and cook and take care of her house. she loves the simple things in life, she loves to care for others.  In this age of working women, I love this soft, sweet hearted girl who loves the good things in life !

 A Tale of Two Beasts - This is a very unique book, you actually will read the book twice before you're done. First you read it from the little girls perspective and then you  re-read the whole thing from the little animals perspective. It' a great way to teach your child about other's feelings, and perspective on life. It's a great avenue to talk about selfishness and thinking of others.

What are some of your favorite children's books that teach lessons? I'd love to know!


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