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Showing posts from October, 2013

Picture Thankfulness in November

In just 8 short days November will be upon us. I love November and always call it the Thankfulness month due to the large celebration we have the 4th Thursday of the month...THANKSGIVING! Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday and I like to extend it by thinking of ways to show thankfulness each day of the month. This year's goal is to get a picture of thankfulness by taking a themed photo each day. Below I will list what I am doing each day, feel free to join with me or make up your own list! Happy Shooting! Sarah

That One Kid

My Child is "That One Kid". You know the one that makes everyone want to quit volunteering for nursery. The One that makes people cringe when I show up at church because they know she's going to scream the entire time she is in the nursery or taken away from her Mother. I get defensive, and offended when I see people treating my daughter that way...especially when I find her stuck in the corner in a playpen crying in the nursery because they didn't know what else to do. But who, when at home alone, gets annoyed and tired of carrying around a baby who doesn't want to be put down, who doesn't know how to keep herself entertained? Who wants to go and let them cry in their crib until they fall asleep. Yes that same mother. That same Mother who gets offended at church. That same mother who thinks the nursery workers should have all 6 infant/crawlers under control. I just finished reading a blog dropped to my inbox titled "Not the Perfect Day". That...