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Showing posts from July, 2014

Tips And Tricks To Flying With Small Children

We just got home from a weekend trip to West Virginia for a surprise 75th Birthday party! While planning for the trip we thought through a lot of options of whether to go or not, whether to drive or fly, etc... Because we all know that being stuck in a car with a grumpy baby is about the last thing anyone wants to do. With the help of my in-laws frequent flyer miles and the joy of having a child under two, we opted for flying. That decision brought on another set of options and planning. How do you keep a 17 month old happy on an airplane?  So I researched it, looked on blogs and pinterest for ideas and helpful hints... and here is what I found and what we tried. Super early morning flights are the best!! Late evening and night flights...bad idea! We left our house at 4:00am and landed at our destination at 9:40am. My daughter stayed awake the whole time and was very calm and happy the whole flight. Our return trip left at 5:40pm and didn't arrive home until 9:30pm. After a we...