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Showing posts from July, 2018

Photography Journal 2018 - (wks 27-30)

Week 27 - Color The world of a child is so colorful, whether it's their clothing, art picture, or their imagination!  Week 28 - Water While the midwest is drying up and parched, my valley is lush and green, and my squash plants are molding because of too much water.  Week 29 - Swing/Twirl My oldest, enjoying her grandparents 'Big Girl' swing! A seat I loved as a little girl.  Week 30 - Silhouette  Creating a new world where the train runs at moonrise, and the clock strikes midnight with an echoing BONG. 😊 It's like making my very own I SPY book!  It's never to late to work on your photography skills. Here are next month's topics: Excitement, Musical, Animal, Senses, Sunset.  Want to see more? Here is my ever growing list of photo journal entries.  Weeks 1-5 Weeks 6-9 Weeks 10-13 Weeks 14-18 Weeks 19-22 Weeks 23-26 Sarah 

Read and Write - A Poem

I'm on vacation, and completely out of the schedule of writing and doing things on time, so I'm going to share a bit of writing I did a year or so back. Read and Write I read and write to to draw out my emotions.  If I don’t let them out they make quite a commotion.  I delve into a book or blank piece of paper,  And find that I’m usually happy and safe there occasionally a flood of memory, dreams or hope comes and then a flood of water spills over and down it runs,  All over my heart and my book or pen But it might not be sadness, it just all depends  on what I was writing or reading or thinking  either way it was good for my soul to be drinking.  These are the times that fill me up to the top and prepare me for the moments when I let everything drop.  It’s a cycle that I really need And that is why I write and read!  What do you do when you need time to clear you head? Do you walk, tinker, clean, exerci...

Going to the Library

You would be frowned on if you stated that you don't go to the library, you may even get a lecture if you say right out that you don't like going to the library. Going to the library is a saintly thing. It's good for the community. Right? I'm not sure why we think so matter-a-factly about the library, but if the library isn't working for you, then it's not working for you and no one is going to be able to force you into liking it. But I do have to say that in a society of technology it might be worth your time to look over some new ways of using your library. Because while, going to the library may not be your cup of tea, reading good books should be on everyone's to-do list. A Blank Page Can Be Scary.  Just like a blank page that has endless possibilities before becoming a school paper, a library full of books when you have no direct path laid out for you can be incredibly overwhelming. Children in the Library Taking kids to the library to aimles...

Questions to Ask When Purging

This is part four of a six part series. If you haven't read the previous posts please start there. Habit and Routine -  Read it here . Finding Your Personal Space -  Read it here . Taking Inventory  - Read it here. So, purging... Some people love it, most cringe at the word. Let's break down it down some more and work our way through one step at a time. Yes, it might be a big job, but you can only complete one small task at a time, so lets only focus on one small task. You've already uncovered some great habits in your life and you've hopefully started integrating some new ones as well. You have also found a room, space, or corner to call your own. You've set up some boundaries and rules for that space and claimed it as your safe zone. Now you have chosen a room (hopefully your "personal space" room) and have created four piles as you worked your way through each item in the room. 1) Trash 2) Give Away/Sell 3) Keep -  this room 4) Keep - diffe...