My most recent project. It's hard to believe that April is over. April is one of my favorite months. What once started as a childish love for Birthday gifts and celebration has turned into the love of all things Spring, purple, flowery, and sweet. April means the end of winter (at least for the most part) and gardens, new life, and sweet smells. There is nothing like the feeling of beginning again, starting over and starting fresh. Spring brings us that joy every year. And God brings us that joy every time we come to repent our sins to him. As this Spring starts and everything is fresh and clean I want to be careful what kind of seeds I plant, lest I reap thorns and thistles in my life come fall. Sowing Temptation As the brambles make their way You fight and pull and tell them nay “My life is mine, you cannot take What took me twenty years to make” The seething, slithering soul of it all Makes no noise, no note, or call, It wraps and winds it’s pr...