What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Do you make a list of things you want to accomplish? Do you just love being alive? Do you desire to better the world with your life? Do you live to share the gospel? Some of the greatest people in the world thrive because they have a specific goal in mind when they get up each morning.
Most people in life have built in goals like nurture your children, eat, be happy, etc... things that naturally happen, and then others get more particular, eat healthy by having home cooked food 3 times a week with my family, nurture my children by teaching them life skills, and so on. Others set goals by years, 1 year plan, 5 year, 10 year plan, etc...
Each of these are great ways to keep you motivated toward your goals, but they can change a lot too. I think the best way is to have pointed goals that can last a lifetime (or close to it). Start by making a list of things that you value.
1) my relationship with God
2) my spouse
3) my children
4) hard work
5) education
And of course the list would continue on until you felt you had a good grasp of what you value in your life. Next make a column to the right of the "I value" column and write "Reality". Then go over each value and write down what is hindering you and really taking that value's place.
1) Sleep
2) Children
3) Social Media
4) Laziness
This list will probably overlap a few times and help you see what your main values are. At this point you want to try to find 5-6 values that you can turn into personal goals. Use these categories to help you write them out. You might have more than one goal under each category.
Goal Categories:
1) Family2) Personal
3) Spiritual
4) Physical
5) Household
I have had a list 6 life goals for a few years now, but I don't always use them. Of course I know what they are in the back of my mind even though I can't always quote them off. I find the times I am usually working at my best toward these goals is when I keep them close to my bed and recite them to myself early. Right before getting in the shower is usually the best. I then take the time I'm in the shower to think of one thing I could do that day to get me closer to that life goal.
My Life Goals:
1) Be My Husbands Best Friend2) Train My Children in the Word of God
3) Run a Semi-Self-Suffiecinet Farm with my Family
4) Community Leader
5) Bible Scholar
6) Healthy Body
Examples of a "shower assigned" task:
1) Send my husband a funny joke via text to cheer him up at the office2) Be present in my child's life, speak calmly.
3) Work on keeping the new schedule (so when spring comes I have the inside down pat and will have time for all of the extra out door tasks.)
4) Work through my Ladies Bible Study book so I have something to say next class time.
5) Do my devotions.
6) Make wise snack choices today.
Creating and keeping life goals should not be a big process. It should not be overwhelming. You eat your food one bite at a time, you make money one dollar at a time and you keep life goals one decision at a time.
Do you have life goals? Have you written them down? What gets you excited about your day?
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