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Fanny Crosby - Happy and Obedient in Christ.

"spiritual wisdom proceeds not so much from the mind as from the heart and soul and from fellowship with Christ." ~Fanny Crosby

Did you catch that? Did you skim over it? Read it again!

"Never ask yourself is this rational? Is this logical?, but Is this from God?" ~Fanny Crosby

Fanny Crosby was an amazing woman. She was a die hard fan of God. She didn't let religion or denomination get in her way. She didn't let materialism take over her life. She didn't let physical ailments interrupt her progress. She didn't let other peoples opinions or advice pull her away from God.

How much time do we spend reading books about the Bible, instead of the Bible, or consulting pastors and counselors instead of consulting God. How much time do we waste making sure we have what we need and planning for the future, when God explicitly says he will supply our every need. How much time do we waste praying without hope or faith that God will provide?

Is making a plan a good idea? Is being prepared for the future wise? Have you ever made a 5 year plan? Are things going like you thought they would? I love planning, I love being prepared and being in control. But it's not our place to be in control. Does it really matter if you reach those financial goals in 5 years? Does it really matter if you've moved, had 3 children, and memorized a book of the Bible? Life will happen, whether you plan it or not, and most likely it won't happen the way you intended it to. Fanny Crosby lived like the poor and with the poor, even though she could have had a nice lump of money and a lovely house. She took only what she needed to live on, gave everything else to others who truly needed it, and the best lesson of all, she didn't fight for what was hers. She never made the money she could have, because she didn't fight for it, she didn't demand her part, she willingly gave of her service to help others and let come what came. She prayed to God daily for her needs to be met. She prayed with faith knowing He would supply her every need. (Not her every want).

There is peace in knowing that an all-powerful God has your life planned (farther in advance than 5 or 10 years) and financially covered. Just like a child is content and happy in his parents home, knowing he is safe, and taken care of, we too can be consistently joyful in knowing that we are safe in our Father's arms.

