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The China Teacup Challenge - Being the Woman God Intended You to Be.

I don't like to admit it, I don't think most women do; At least not in the 21st century, but women are like China Teacups. Different era's bring different public "requirements"of men and women. And many late era's had women wanting to be feminine, lady like, emotional creatures, dainty, lovable, sweet, and dependent. We now live in a world were gender neutral clothes are pushed, manning up is required, tuffing  it out, ruffing it up, and hiding all feminine emotions is the norm.
As much as I would like to rant and rave about each one of these problems, feminine clothing especially(because I fight it daily when trying to dress modestly), I want to focus on emotions today. Whether you hide your emotions, display them for all the world to see, or have a tasteful balance, you as a woman have deep emotions. In our desire to be treated "equally" with men in society we have put on ourselves the burden of two.  We have passed equality by entirely and simply asked to be left alone. We've asked to live our own lives and bear our own burdens, even if it means being a single mom, working a part time job, and going to school. Even if it means being "one of the guys" on the workforce, playing Mommy and Daddy at home, or living estranged from a spouse to prove that you are "man" enough to deal with life alone.  But where has all of this depression come from, why have the sleepless nights crept in, why do you keep all emotion and feelings to yourself, why do you block out kindness and deep friendship? Why are you miserable? Why is life a roller coaster of mostly downs?
Did you know that God created men and woman different? He created a physically and emotionally strong man, to counter the meek (strength under control) and sensitive woman. Women are strong, don't get me wrong. Meekness is one of the best strengths one can have. It means discipline, which men so often lack. Being sensitive is honorable, kind, and compassionate.
Today we have switched roles. The men glad to be out of the lead in so many situations, sit back and enjoy the ride, while women have stepped up into leadership positions only to continue with the normal womanly roles as well. We are all backwards, mixed up and confused. If men are being mild, and woman are being leaders, we can't act in our God given roles at all! We can't be a successful cheerleader for a mild, emotional man, and those mild men can't be the emotional strong hold for the outspoken, "I can do it all" women. The more this world continues down the path it's going the more men feel unneeded and the more the women have break downs; they are  mentally and emotionally overloaded. We were meant to share our burdens. First with God, then with our husbands, and lastly with godly friends.
Look over these Questions and ask yourself; Am I being a China Teacup, or a Coffee Mug?

1) Do I view myself as the decision maker? Do I ask for my husbands opinion only to say I did and then do as I want, or do I depend on his insight to make a final decision?

2) Do I tell my husband what to do? Do I treat my husband like one of the children? Or does he get special treatment, extra time, and more attention?

3) Do I make fun of my husband or friends husbands? In conversation with girlfriends do we build up each others spouses? Or do I  gossip and cut down? Do I make hateful comments toward men in general saying things like "well, if I could take over that department things would be much better!"

4) Do I create schedules that will only work for myself? Do I make time for my husband to be apart of my activities or do I wait until it works best for me? Do I have his schedule memorized? Do we do activities together or separately? Do I ever take vacation time alone?

5) Do I dress for my husband or for myself? When purchasing clothing or choosing the days outfit, do I wear what pleases my husband or myself? Do I ever wear clothing for other people? For other men?

6) Do I share my emotions with my husband? Do I tell my husband things I'm excited about, or concerned about? Do I discuss the future with my husband? Do I tell him what God has taught me today, or this week? Or do I tell my girlfriends, a coworker, or just keep them to myself?

7) Do I try to act like a lady? Do I dress and act like a lady in public and at home in front of my husband and family? Are my speech and thoughts feminine like a china teacup? Do I look for ways to build up my husband so I can become his personal assistant or do I build myself up to look powerful and superior? (I've never seen a powerful and superior teacup, only coffee mugs)

Just remember, that just because I'm writing this blog post doesn't mean I have this under control, quite the opposite, it probably means I  am struggling with it. Where else would I get such great thoughts? History repeats itself over and over again, there are no new problems in this life, Women have been dealing with this problem since the banishment of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. We are not alone in our fight for to become usable China Teacups for Christ!



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