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Showing posts from 2016

3 Helpful Christian Apps

I'm always on the lookout for better ways to use my technology, More ways to go from doing good, to glorifying God. Here are three new apps that I think you will find helpful and enjoyable. Modern Homemakers  Here is the website, you can access the podcasts from there or your app store. Donna Otto runs the Modern Homemakers podcast and reminds me a good bit of Elisabeth Elliot. She was actually friends with and featured on Elisabeth Elliot's radio program. She has a sweet soft spoken friendly voice and wonderful Biblical advice, especially for young mothers. Below is what the podcast app will look like. Abiding Radio Go here if using a website  or look up "abiding radio" in your app store. Below is what the app icon will look like. This is a live stream radio broadcast with 5 channels, Instrumental Sacred Kids Bluegrass Hymns Seasonal First 5 - devoti...

Finding Silence

I've been overwhelmed with the noise of life. There is always something to think about, to prepare for, to clean up, to take charge of, to listen to, to be on time to, to mend and heal...There is always something to make noise in my life. I like noise to an extent, I like crickets and frogs at night, I like the sound of my daughters giggles, the sound of dinner being made and plenty of other things to bring good feelings to a tired body and mind. Silence is one thing that humans struggle with. We like action films, active sports, parties full of people, background music, podcasts, etc... we like things to be happening, it makes us feel accomplished, and brings "happiness" to our lives long enough to make us want more noise. Essentially we think that noise = happiness. William Penn said... "True to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment."  I think we have a hard time understanding true silence because we look for...

T.V. Time

Electronics are taking over the world. We play with them, work with them, talk on them, text on them, video chat on them, make money on them, lose money on them, watch them, ignore them. So unless you've given up your t.v., cell phone, iPad, radio, and everything else in this large category you might enjoy this reminder. 1) Never make yourself/child finish a movie.   - if it's stupid, inappropriate, or you've run out of time, just walk away. 2) Do something during the movie   -  play with toys/ do handcrafts/ color a picture/ fix something that's broken. 3) Set time limits/ turn off a show before the next one come on.  - we all know that T.V. shows are geared to pull you into the next one! Don't fall for it! 4) Make "no electronic" zones ...(ex. dinner table, vacation, bedrooms)  - T.V. time is not bonding time anymore. (if ever). 5) Don't watch T.V. alone (whether it's on your phone or on the big screen)  - you watch more T.V. wh...

Children's Books that Teach Lessons

I love children's books! I have a bazillion of them and I also have a steady stream of them coming into my home. Most of them come from the thrift store - It's the cheapest place to get books, and you will find some of the most unique books in the world there. No seriously go look! My other steady stream of books comes from my job. That's right I love books so much that I sell them! Usborne Books and More has an abundance of interactive books, life teaching books, and think outside the box books. I really struggle making money when all I want to do is buy more books...and more books... and more books... and,... yes it's a real problem! If you want to take a peek into what I'm so addicted to,  check out my website here . Children's books that teach a lesson...why else read a book except to learn something from it. I learn stuff from fictional characters all the time, so I'm not saying read nonfiction only. Just always be on the look out for lessons to...

Living Room - Ready and Revealed!

Slowly and surely I am getting rooms completed. Not necessarily to my perfect taste, but clean, livable, comfortable, and lovely all the same. The Living room is a 1/3 of the "grand room" you can see into the kitchen and dinning room in several of the pictures. It's open, bright, and airy...great for being together, having company, and keeping an eye on the over zealous 3 year old. The Living room feels a lot like a dollhouse with 3 sides and a roof, but one side cut away so you can see inside. We live in a double wide trailer so the ceiling even slants like a doll house! Even in small spaces you don't have to push the furniture up against the walls. Pushing the couch up close to the fireplace is cozy and convenient, because I need a wall for the piano.  Books are a passion of mine, so there isn't much room for cuteness on the shelves. I've discovered that where green life is, beauty is. So just adding a bit of fake greenery to my bookshelves has...

Hiding in Plain Sight

Sometimes in Mystery/Action novels the villain hides the item everyone is looking for right out in the open. It's disguised or simply unknown to the lookers. They search every hidden passage, crack, and crevice for the item, passing by the real things a hundred times. But because it's in plain sight there is no way that they will find's too obvious! Decorating a home is a bit like an action adventure, keeping up with the needs, wants, children, and messes that come with it all. Sometimes hiding the uglies can be hard and sometimes it's best to just hide them in plain sight! 1) Laundry Room: the laundry room/closet/area is full of necessary yet messy things.  A) Buy an ironing board cover that matches the room decor  B) Buy baskets to place cleaning prodcuts, laundry detergents, etc... ( I found mine at Aldi!)  C) Add useful decor...laundry soap in a cute jar with a fun label. Fancy box to hold the lint etc...  D) Don't forget to decorate your laundr...

The Mouse and the Monster

The Mouse and the Monster part 1 Poppet is my name. It’s not really even a name but a term of endearment; but my parents could never come to call me anything else. I am the youngest mouse in my family and severely doted on.  I will always look fondly on the times I spent with my family, sharing a room with my sisters, eating breakfast at our huge oak table, playing games with Newton and Tanner by the stream. It really was a wonderful life back then. Mother’s friends always oohed and aahed over my perfect whiskers and big brown eyes.  Life is really not so lovely now. The mice at the market always look at me funny when I introduce myself as Poppet and I feel like everyone is staring at me. I used to like it when people stared, now I feel funny when someone looks my way, like I am a monster sticking out among all the other mice. I’ve tried to blend in, but you can always tell a monster no matter how good a disguise it wears. Even my friends have all eventually drift...

Relay-tionships - Working Together

Relay races take a team effort. Sometimes one person is working while the other cheers them on, sometimes they are working together, but ultimately they are always working together toward an end goal. Relationships are the same way. We are not a one-man-show, we are not ever alone in our trials, and we aren't ever just an on-looker. You and any person you are in a  relationship with, be it, spouse, child, parent, friend, co-worker, etc... should have a joint goal. Pride Says: "I am the most important person in this relationship." Love Says" We are equally important " or better yet,  "You are more important than me" Pride Says: "I am the authority, I am always right." Love Says: "What do you think about...?" Pride Says: "This is how it's done!" Love Says: "I can be flexible." "There are two sides to every story, and then there is the truth." ~Mark Twain Husband/Wife - R...

Hello Kitty 3rd Birthday Party

Every parent says it, but it's always true... I can't believe it already been ____ years since my baby was born! Check out our 3rd Birthday party staring Hello Kitty this year thanks to a great find at the Home Goods store!  I always have a Pinterest board for each party that I do. You can find me on Pinterest as Sarah Perry.  Feel free to follow, borrow ideas, or completely mirror my party! Sarah