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Photography Journal 2018 - (Wks1-5)

I feel like photography is everyone's side hobby now days, but with such good cameras on our smart phones it's hard to not fall in love with it.
I decided to join a small group of friends on Facebook this year who were doing - a photo a week challenge. We call it Clickin' Through 2018.  Here is the layout...

 About once a month I will post my photos from the weeks before. If you want to join me, feel free to post your photos in the comments.

Week 1 - Resolution 

I made some pretty vague resolutions this year, and was in general not quite on top of my new year beginning. I listed nine things to work on and have found myself leaning heavily toward the item labeled - 1. 
The very first thing I wrote down has become my beacon. 
1. Enjoy doing the little things. 

The picture portrays some of the other things I had written down. 
Read more
Weigh less
Make healthier meal choices

Week 2 - Cold

Thankfully we have had some beautiful frigid temperatures and enough snow to sled in once. But the week that I was assigned the word cold the temperatures soared to the 60's. So I had to get creative and we went walking around by the frozen over pond and creek. I took a ton of pictures that afternoon and could hardly decide which one to choose. I'm still not sure I picked the best one for the category. Check out the rest of my photos on my facebook page - posted on Jan. 10th, 2018 to see if I made the right choice. 

Week 3 - Eat

Breakfast food is a must at our house. We will eat it at any time of the day and always have a huge breakfast. I am on a burrito kick right now, so this category was a simple one for me. 

Week 4 - Time

It's so cliche, I get tired of hearing it...but I'm also starting to understand it. "I can't believe he is already ________." Children grow up so fast, to the point that you are almost begging time to stand still. My second born was learning to pull up on things the week I took this picture. Since then has has started forming word sounds, walking along the furniture and now walking with a toy, and has had his first haircut. 

Week 5 - Self

This week's category was like a blank piece of paper and it brought the typical panic attack that a blank piece of paper normally brings. There are so many aspects I wanted to cover, and couldn't.
I wanted a picture at my desk, one of my favorite places to be and one the places I rarely get to be. I wanted it to have a glimpse at my love of reading, photography, writing, and art. And really that is all just one small aspect of my life. 

Do you want to join me for February? The next four categories are. Window. Love. Family. Day in the Life.

Happy Shooting!



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