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My Top 5 Home Education Podcasts

I'm a huge podcast junky. When I find a podcast I love I start with episode #1 and work through it's entirety. I listen in the car, while washing dishes, hoeing the garden, or doing a puzzle. There are so many opportunities to multitask appropriately. Here is a list of my favorite home education podcasts.

#1 Read-Aloud Revival
I name this site often, because it is a wonderful place full of commraderie, good books, laughter, and things you won't find anywhere else. The podcast is amazing and I've listened to every single episode (over 100) and a few of them I've listened to more than once. Sarah Mackenzie is a bubbly and delightful person and her website and premium membership site are worth every bit of time you spend there.
What is it about? 
Sarah Mackenzie is a homeschool mom to six and a lover of books. This podcast gives amazing book recommendations for all ages and often has interviews with living authors. You get to see inside the writing process, where ideas come from, hear about authors pets, new books that are being released, and so much more.

#2 A Delectable Education
This podcast is all about the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. It is hosted by Liz Cottrill, Emily Kiser, and Nicole Williams; these ladies are soft spoken, intelligent, and inspiring. At first I was confused by there podcast, but was intrigued enough with the CM method that I kept coming back and trying again. After reading lots about CM and looking into starting her methods for school this year, I am now fully immersed in this podcast and have just recently started working my way through all avails episodes.

#3 The Mason Jar
Hosted by Cindy Rollins author of Mere Motherhood, this podcast is touch and go for me. It's full of lovely information, but not all relevant or to my taste. Cindy has a pleasant voice, years of experience in the homeschool world, and often has great advice or inspiring guests. I also really enjoy the Mere Motherhood FB group.

#4 Your Morning Basket
Keep your volume down when you start this one or the rooster will scare you right off the road! Pam Barnhill is a great friend of Sarah Mackenzie (at the Read-Aloud Revival) but has very different strengths. This particular podcast focuses on ideas for "morning time", a CM style segment of school. There are some great ideas and lovely guests who appear on her show. I know Pam Barnhill's website features much more than just morning time, she might also have other podcasts, and she has written a book or two as well.

#5 Nature Guys
I've actually only listened to a couple of their podcasts, but they are super funny and informative about nature. I learned all about the starling bird, and spring peeper frogs. This is a great podcast to include the kids on.

To listen to these podcasts use your podcast app and search for the desired podcast then choose subscribe to keep all of the latest episodes available on your phone.

What are your favorite homeschool podcasts? Do you listen to any of these?



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