I have so much to say, because I've been gone for so long! I'm writing multiple posts today and constantly reminding myself that they can't all go up today.
Today I have to share a few more farm photos and of course my little shadow helper! And I also want to share some words - It's not a story and it's not a poem...an essay? I called "A Thanksgiving Thought" and it's just that...my thoughts on our society at Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is a day forgotten because it lacks abundant revenue.
There is no room for myself to be gloried in or exalted above you,
In fact, at Thanksgiving one must pain themselves to think of something kind and unselfish to say toward someone whom they argued with yesterday.
The pilgrims - if still suffering today - would continue so,
because Thanksgiving isnāt about others.
Thanksgiving is about the cruciality of having every dish of tradition gracing the table.
It is about watching football and yelling at a deaf screen.
We wonāt invite āthat relativeā let alone a sick and cold pilgrim who wants for work and warmth.
Did you know that thanks giving is a grateful acknowledgement of benefits or favor especially to God?
Did you realize that Thanksgiving Day is a day set apart for giving thanks to God?
Does God become thanked by our tradition of gorging ourselves?
Does God become thanked when we sin?
Are we showing thanks to God when we are selective in our invites or with our eye contact?
Are we showing thanks by committing sins of omission?
What does it mean to be thankful?
Is it when you receive a gift?
Or when someone does something for you?
Or when your mother looks down at you and questions ānow what do you say?ā
Or is thankfulness a way of life?
A heart overflowing with gratitude?
A personality that can not be masked or stifled?
Is thanks giving a day or a way of life?
Does thanks giving involve turkey and pumpkin pie, or an attitude?
Do we base our thankfulness on good circumstances?
Or on the goodness of God?
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom,
singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:15-17
I finally got the right angle on the boat with the barn! |
Helping mom haul some rocks from the creek for a potential holiday sign. |
I can't get over the beautiful moss everywhere by the creek. I want to make something out of it! |
That feeling of looking out your window and seeing...yard! |
Have you done any thankfulness writing? In a journal? On social media? Letters to others?
I've been keeping a steady stream of thanks giving on my Facebook page I'd love to hear what you are thankful for!
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