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Woodland Toddler Room

I promised pictures of Emma's woodland room months ago! Well, here we are moved into a new house and she now has a room all to herself. Needless to say our decor looks much nicer in a sprawling bedroom rather than behind two bookshelf in the office!
Reading Area

Crib with one rail taken off = big girl bed!

From the doorway

From the window toward the door

Hand made rag quilt and handmade doll
bring a special touch of love and homey!

Bought this beautiful pillowcase on Etsy.
It's held up well!

handmade mobile/chandelier
find tutorial here!

The mobile hangs right above the bed giving Emma
something beautiful to look at during quiet time
when she's not ready to nap yet.

Found a beautiful set of Beatrix Potter books at a flea market!
Any set of nicely bound books make a great decoration! 

This shelf of goodies are special too.
1) check out the field guide picture on my Etsy shop
2) read this post about handmade pinwheels
3) the bottle is full of rocks from vacation in the U.P. of MI
4) The little frame just has a bit of scrapbook paper in it!

A real turtle shell, and set of antlers all free for this country girl!
The lace in the frame is an old doily.
and the smaller frame is again just scrapbook paper.

Embroidery inside of Great Grandmas hoop!
I can't sew but I made this embroidery piece
...very simple!

This fox picture also obtained from Etsy
and framed in wood from Great Grandpa!
The topiary is from a thrift store and the letter is decoupaged in and old newspaper. 

These are old Sunday School lessons given to me. 

Even though most of the stuffed animals aren't woodland
you have to remember practicality!

Featuring an animal that is woodland is a great way
to take the focus of off the the ones that aren't.

Our map is from Hobby Lobby.
I used discount and gift card to get it down in price.
The horse was found at a garage sale for $5.

 This room is not the top of line in decorations or layouts and of course I put away all of the toys before taking photos, but it's nice. And it didn't cost too much. The real joy of decorating is finding bargains, crafting things yourself and seeing the room evolve as you go.
It was my dream to have sunshine yellow walls in here, but alas paint is not something you pick up at a thrift store, garage sale, or make yourself so it won't be for now.

What is your favorite child's room theme or colors? Are you a bargain hunter? Do you like to craft your own items?



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