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The Perfect Guest Room

The Perfect Guest Room:

It's a dream of mine to have this certain guest room. A place I've pieced together from different houses I've been blessed to visit. Touches from housewives across the world all brought together into what this housewife thinks is close to heaven! And now that I live in a three bedroom house, I have the space to create that very room! I call it Vintage Pastel...

Guest List:

1) A Bed you would want to sleep in! 
     - fresh sheets
     - good quality pillows
2) A chair
3) Cups (or water bottles) and snacks
4) Available outlet
5) Wifi pass code
6) Alarm clock
7) Lamp/reading light
8) Extra blankets and pillows
9) Luggage rack
10) Kleenex & trash can
11) ibprofen
12) Notepad & pen
13) Jewerly/ accessories plate
14) Reading material
15) Air freshener/candle & matches
16) Mirror
17) Hangers
18) Fan
19) Clothing hamper
20) No personal items in room
21) Not a furniture overflow room


22) Toiletries bin
23) Accessable towels & washcloths
24) Extra TP & plunger
25) Night Light
26) Towel hooks

1) Bed - Each person finds different beds and pillows comfortable, so try to find a happy medium. 
2) Chair - I haven't found a chair within budget yet, but I do think it's important! 

3) - Glasses and snacks - I found these cute glasses at the $1 store! Water bottles are also great (but I personally can't stand bottled water!)  Glass one has cinnamon candies, glass two has craisians and pecans each wrapped in plastic and tied with a ribbon. 

4) Available outlet - I have one easily accessible outlet next to the bed. 

5) Wifi passcode - I hate asking for the wifi password but always wish I could save on data. And where I live there is no phone service without internet! 

6) Alarm clock - few people use these for alarms anymore, but it's always nice to have a clock to reference. 

7) Lamp/reading light - found this at a Family Dollar for $3!! 

8) Extra Pillows and blankets - again not something I can afford right now, but more and more necessary as the winter nears. They would go inside this ottoman. 

9) Luggage Rack - I really don't know where you find real luggage racks so this beautiful ottoman is our luggage rack. downside? Only one suitcase is going to fit. 

10&11)  Kleenex and trash can - kleenex, gum, and ibuprofen are also on this "For You" tray.
12) Notepad and Pen - There are so many cute notepads in the world and so few reasons to use them or display them. I was so happy to display this one on the dresser!

13) Jewelry plate - This is a babies cake plate (given to my daughter from her great grandmother) but any cute plate or bowl will do. At home most accessories have a resting place but when you are traveling it's nice to have a place for rings, keys, loose change, etc... 
14) Reading Material - I've put some food and decor magazines, Bible, and Devotional book, and my Young Living catalog here for guests to peruse. There are also a small stack of children's books on the second dresser, and my favorite picture book called "Farm Anatomy" under the lamp. 
15) Air freshener/Candle - I have a candle warmer which also serves as a night light if desired. The children's books are under the camera. 

16) Mirror - I have a long mirror just to the left of the window, but there is also a mirror on each dresser. 

* The long mural at the end of the bed is a family collage. It holds picture, ticket stubs, and random items from around the world. It's a great way for your guests to get to know you and also great for conversation starters. 
17) Hangers - I chose all white with a few nice wood hangers. 
18) Fan - it's not visible in this picture - but a little black fan is on the floor. (having a fan is really important to a lot of people)  
19) Clothes Hamper - Having a hamper is nice so you can keep your dirty clothes separate until you are ready to repack your suitcase. It helps keep clutter under control. 

A Clean, usable closet is probably one of my favorites!

20) No personal items in room
21) Not a furniture overflow room

These are both really hard - we all have too much stuff and where does it go but in a room that doesn't get used very much? I have to confess both of those gorgeous dressers are full of extra sheets, towels, kitchen linen, etc... and the closet has a table and my sewing items. Even if you do store items in that room, consider pulling some of the bigger items out while you have guests. And as far as furniture overflow; You have to decorate with what you have, just try to not put all of your least favorite items from Great Aunt Dorothy in that one room. 
22) Toiletries Bin
 - Soap, body wash, and shampoo can all go in the shower
 - Lotion
 - razor (his and hers) 
 - toothbrush
 - toothpaste
 - floss
 - mouthwash 
- deodorant (his and hers)
 - hairbrush or comb
 - hair ties
 - shower cap
 - feminine products

23) Extra Wash clothes and towels - I have the washcloths on the back of the toilet and the towels in a basket under the nightstand. So long as they are obvious and accessible it doesn't matter where you keep them. 

24) Towel hooks - I have one towel bar in the bathroom and we use it for the hand towel right now. So I took two command hooks and put them on the back of the bathroom door. I also put a fancy hook in the bedroom. It can be used for coats, hats, purses, or whatever they want. 

25) Plunger and extra toilet paper - no one wants to ask for a plunger, make it visible. I also put several rolls of TP under the sink. 

26) Night Light - This is an unfamiliar house, make sure your guests can find the facilities at all hours. Especially if your light switch is in a strange place like ours is. 

My parents come tomorrow for Thanksgiving and a weekend of painting! They will be the first overnight guests to use the completed Guest room. (They had to sleep on air mattress on the floor along with boxes ,a large TV, and other things the week they helped us move. I'm excited for them to upgrade!!) 

Do you have a guest room? What ideas do you have? Am I missing anything?



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