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A Few Tips to Simplify Life

Why? Why does everyone keep talking about simplifying? Maybe I like buying five pair of my favorite jeans at once, maybe I like every single one of my two dozen coffee mugs. My kids love their toys - yes, all of them! - so stop bothering me!

But do you really?

Simplifying life gives you more time to do the things you need and love. Simplifying isn't about a fad, or a look. It is about rhythm, sanity, and peace.

Trash Can

Let's start with a simple one. How many trash cans do you own? What rooms are they in? 
The best places for trash cans are one large one in the kitchen and small ones in the  bathrooms. If you have a room that is an office, schoolroom, craft room or something of the sort you will want one there also, but that's all. One can in each place. 


Toys are overrated, in fact they are hard on your kids development. (we all know that kids like the box better than the present)  Go through the toys and throw away any items that are broken or missing parts. Then go through your toys and set aside half of them, then go through the remaining half and get rid of half of that. Donate them. Take the toys you have left and pack up a good portion of them and store them away in a "Toy Library" to be cycled through the toy room later. 

Only keep creative toys. Toys that are complete with all the bells and whistles don't make your child think creatively because there is nothing left to be creative about. 
Creative toys: {a few example}
Role play - Dress up clothes, dolls, dollhouses (a simple one) 
Building - Blocks, legos, lincoln logs, etc...


How many spatulas do you own? How many sets of dishes? 
Here is one simple thought, if you own it you will keep using it and piling it by the sink to be washed, if you only have one spatula you will rinse it and use it again. 
Its better to force yourself to keep up with the dishes by only have enough dishes for your family and a few guests. 


2 sets of sheets - no one likes folding sheets, so don't. Have a cool weather set and a warm weather set. Wash them and put them back on the bed. 
2 towels for each person (or one would probably work as well) 
Wash them and hang them back up. Yes that means using them more than once. 


I know you have clothes from high school, the last diet, the last baby - but you need to let them go. Get rid of the clothes that don't fit you right now. Your high school clothes are probably outdated, and the rest of the clothes that don't fit you are cluttering your life with good thoughts and little action. Donate them to a shelter where they can be used and appreciated. It might be hard to let go, but I promise you will feel better. 

Pare down your children's clothes to a few outfits for each activity. School, church, play, sleep. This will make less laundry for you, and it will be easier for your children to put away their laundry and get dressed in the morning. The more children have the harder it is for them to understand value. {And we wonder why we deal with entitlement issues} 


Last and most important: Create a rhythm in your house  - it will set the tone of ease and familiarity Everyone will know what's happening next or at least have a point to ground themselves on. A rigid schedule will only cause tension, so be flexible. It's more like adding check points to your day. This especially helps children feel secure and informed. 

Let's chat: What ways do you succeed in being simple? What ways do you need to work on? What would you add to this list? 



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