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grat-uh-fi-key-shuh n

 - noun
1. the state of being gratified; great satisfaction.
2. something that gratifies; source of pleasure or satisfaction.

Instant Gratification

It has become a well used term. American's have it deep in their bones and their family histories. All the way from going west for land and gold, to getting the newest smartphone every year. (Is it even a year between phones anymore?) But of course, down deep in all of the gratification lovers, at the heart of all want is a desire to be full, complete, and restored. Instantly receiving likes on a photo you posted will only momentarily fill you with happiness. Buying that new shirt will only fill that void until something else catches your eye. And that's because only God can fill the God-shaped hole in our lives. God is the gratification we are seeking. More money, more power and fame, or more tangible things only complicate your life - distracting you (artfully so by Satan) from God's simple love and fullness. 

Delayed Gratification

It was more of a 'thing' in the past, but not because people were so 'good,' but simply because things weren't as accessible. The get rich quick schemes still had a market, gossip still made its rounds. So while we look at the past and appreciate the simpleness of it, just remember that those who chose to live simply, worked hard to do it. Delayed gratification is a discipline. It's a sacrificing of want and desire for God's timing and purpose. 

Constant Gratification

In the age of "smart" technology I believe we have progressed even farther into instant gratification, moving right along to constant gratification. The amount of times people check their phone notifications, (email, social media, text messages, etc...) is proof of that. People deal with technology addictions, barely ever putting the phone down. They look at them while driving, talking to others face to face (or should I say face to phone), babysitting children, eating dinner,  going to the bathroom, and practically every part of life. The access technology gives us to everything is taking away our moments of peace, contentment, and moments of quiet and stillness. The need for interaction on our phones, is pulling us away from face to face interaction. It's hurting our mental and physical health.

What you can do... 

  • Take social media off of your phone
  • Set "no phone" zones (dinner table, office desk, in the car, etc) 
  • Put your phone on silent
  • Turn off notifications for all unimportant apps
  • Replace your phone - every time you want to check your phone, read a paragraph in a book.
  • Look into the eyes of the person you are talking too, no matter what.
  • Put your phone in a different room and walk away 
  • Find a friend or family member to talk with face to face
I feel like I am stating the obvious, and yet everyday I find myself doing some of these very things. Every generation must fight the same fight  - fight against the temptations of the devil  - but not every generation will fight it the same way. Satan doesn't have a mass of different tactics, just a few that he uses over and over again; the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. (I John 2:16)

You don't have to be using your phone to look at pornography, encourage bad relationships, or boast your abilities, to feel the struggle of phone usage. How can you be more present in life today? What is something you could put off - something you should wait for? 



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