Today's topic is - Don't be a Half Mover.
For some people it's a no brainer. They can't live with boxes sitting around them, they can't live out of a suitcase permanently. But I've seen or heard many times of people who have an apartment packed full of boxes with only a small path from necessity to necessity. Folks, that's NOT living...that's existing. No one wants to live that way, and no one wants to visit that.
That is an extreme situation, although not as uncommon as you would think or hope, and I hope you are only dealing with a "junk room" situation. I remember when I was growing up that for a time we had a room we called the "junk room". Which is silly, because my mother had that room just as organized as every other room of the house. But many people have a room or a situation that needs attention and needs the sign "junk room" taken down. Even if you just need to replace the sign with "storage room". It might just be a mental change for you.
If you are living somewhere for two months or two years unpacking is important. Every day is a part of the life you are living. Sure, packing isn't fun and if you really are only living somewhere for two months you might consider only unpacking the necessary items, but remember to create the home atmosphere because it's still home no matter how long or short a time you are there.
One of the simplest ways to make somewhere home (after you move in the essentials like a bed and pots and pans!) is to hang curtains. Next is to have a good floor plan so you can walk around easily and enjoy your space. Third, is to hang some pictures and artwork up on the wall. Not living there long? make one wall the focus and leave the rest blank. Choose the wall that you see first when you walk in the door.
Make your space work for you no matter your time frame. Live today, not tomorrow, not yesterday. Enjoy each minute.
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