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"Just Add ... People"

I've had around 10 or so paying jobs in my short 25 years of life. Many of them part time and summer jobs. But one thing every single one of them had in common was that I had to learn the skill of the job; whether it was cashier, or babysitter. One of the first "real" jobs I had was at a fast food joint. I went through multiple training videos and at first had a manager helping me through the buttons and requirements of the register. When I finally got it down I officially started working on the front counter taking orders...and then I added people.
Another job I've had is office manager for a small apartment complex. It took  several days to learn where everything was, memorize the phone reel, and be able to walk someone through an apartment. I got the hang of it pretty quick and felt pretty comfortable except maybe for the phone schpeel...and then I added people.
I worked at a summer camp 3 years in a row. Every year you had assignments to fill out before going to camp, scripture to memorize and rules to understand. I always completed my assignments and did my best at memorizing. Then I got to camp and ... I added people.
My husband and I found out we were expecting a little girl, so I hopped on the computer and I researched all about babies. I loaned books from the library and asked my mom and friends a lot of questions. No one can ever feel completely prepared for their first baby, but I felt comfortable bringing her home... and then she came.
I have a real problem with selfishness, and wanting life to go my way. I work at it really hard and feel some days like I have succeed. When I was in college I felt really close to God and thought "I really have a hold on this selfishness problem." ...then I added people, a best friend, a husband, a baby, in-laws...etc. 

We are great dreamers. We get A+ on our dream exam! We can fix all of the worlds problems when we are in charge in our mind. We can conquer so many fatal problems in our lives, and be manager in a day at our work place... in our minds. But we are alone and unchallenged in our thinking. Fearless superheros to our brains. We can accomplish anything, be anybody, do anything. But the world is made of people. People who dream just like me. People who upset my dreams as I simultaneously upset their dreams. We are each others enemies when it comes to perfection. But we can not live without other human beings so we need to come to some other conclusion than living a hermits life.
Did you ever think about how God created the world and how it was perfect? Who ruined that world? People. You see it's been going on a long time. Just add people and what do you have? Disaster.  Why? because we are sinners. Selfish, shallow, uncaring sinners. Sure we might be able to control the world from our dreams, but is that really helping? People are who they are, they've chosen their path, and attitude. It's up to them to change, not for you to change them or ignore them like they don't exist. People are what this world is about. Who did God send his only son to die for? People. Who are commanded to tell the gospel? People. Who will live in eternity with God? People. Who built the house you have pinned on pinterest? People. Who fixed your car when it broke down. People. Who hugs you and listens when you are sad? People.

So If you want to conquer the world... just add people. If you want to live a simple, quiet life... just add people. If you want to learn how to be a better person... Please! Add people!

Yours Truly,
The Selfish Introvert!



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