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10 Questions To Ponder

I love to think, meditate, and day dream. There are so many interesting things in life to wonder about (or better yet research out!) But many times I find my thoughts lazily falling back into the same old patterns of meaningless, blah...

So here are 10 Questions to get our thoughts headed down a delightful, interesting path for today.

1) Do you think we will ask God and other great warriors of the faith questions in heaven? Or will be busy praising God all day long? Or maybe we will just know all the questions to our answers?

2) Do you have a dream job? A job you would love going to everyday? Is it possible you could be doing that now instead of your current job? Use a mind map to trace out ideas of how to get to your dream job.

3) Do you ever stop to reminisce just for the fact of reminiscing? Many times we think back into the past with sadness because life can't be that way now? Or maybe we haven't forgiven someone and we are constantly replaying the past in hate. Think back to fun memories, just for fun and then see if you can't make today something worth reminiscing about next year!

4) Do you ever wonder how your lunch is made? How you make bread? Mayonnaise? Pickles, deli meat? How about chips? Or do you just take for granted what you eat? Do you understand what everything you eat is? What plant or animal it comes from? If it's manmade or naturally grown?

5) Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be a missionary in the U.S.A? What if you quit your job this week and had all week to be a missionary? What would you do? Where would you go? How would you be a missionary right where you are?

6) Have you ever considered taking a vacation at home and requiring yourself to have fun? Could you  hide your phone, and unplug the t.v. and computer and play games, and eat at new restaurants? Have you been to all the "Famous places" in your city?

7) Have you ever noticed that when other people are cheerful and kind to you, that you feel like you are having a good day? Did you ever consider that when you are cheerful and kind to others you are helping them have a good day? What do you do during a day that makes other people truly happy? Do you get sucked into your daily routine and forget to look up and look around you sometimes? Do other happy people make us happy? Or do we make ourselves happy by making other people happy?

8) Have you ever read the Bible in chronological order? (no the Bible is not written in date order!) Have you ever compared other historical events with Biblical historical events to see what was going on at the same time? Do you ever wonder why so many early civilizations have some sort of flood story?

9) Do you ever wonder why it's so hard to change? Have you ever completely changed the way you dress or wear your make-up? Have you ever changed the way you walk or talk? Have you ever tried to switch up your daily routine only to find that you accidentally did something "normal"? Did you ever consider trying to be someone else for a day? Do think it would be exhausting? Do you love to come home after vacation?

10) Do you ever ponder your brain, thought process, and psychology? Do you know about memory, and skills? Color blind people, and right brain/left brain? You'll never understand it all. But what harm would it be to wonder about wondering?

Happy Pondering!
