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Adventures at Mushroom Manor - A Short Story

I needed a bit of a creative outlet a few days ago and so I wrote another short story. I hope you enjoy. 

Adventures at 
Mushroom Manor

There once was a Hedgehog who lived in a very large mushroom which he called Mushroom Manor. He didnā€™t have any neighbors, or really even friends that lived close by. He was a lonely little creature and talked to himself a great deal. One day- no particular day - the little Hedgehog came upon a field mouse. 
ā€œExcuse me,ā€ He cried in excitement (for he hadnā€™t seen anyone for 3 weeks), ā€œwhere do you live?ā€  
Hedgehog had not seen the field mouse before and thought perhaps he was a new neighbor. The Field Mouse did not reply, he was busy and didnā€™t care to stop to talk to the hedgehog. Hedgehog, a little put down by being ignored mustered his courage and said again loudly (in case the mouse hadnā€™t heard), 
ā€œExcuse me! Where do you live?ā€
ā€œOver the riverā€ was all the mouse gruffly replied. 
ā€œOh! Hedgehog sadly replied to himself; for the field mouse had scampered away.

Hedgehog had a lovely home, a beautiful big mushroom with every thing he could ask for in it. Comfortable chairs and a bed, plenty of food to eat and a lovely view. His mushroom over looked the river and a grand field on the other side. The sun had a lovely way of shinning through the trees and dancing on the open field. Hedgehog had everything he could want, except for friends. Hedgehog was a very friendly fellow indeed, and he loved to have parties and bake goodies, play games and read poetry out loud. 
ā€œEveryone is too busy to be my friend.ā€ Sighed Hedge Hog. ā€œMaybe if I have a big Harvest Party and invite everyone who lives within one mile, they will see how much fun it is to stop and play sometimes.ā€
So Hedgehog pulled out his invitations - marked with an H surrounded by flowers - and wrote these words.

Dearest Neighbors and Friends,
Join me at Mushroom Manor next week an hour before the sun sets to celebrate the harvest. Bring all your family and dearest friends, bring food and delights, bring games and fun. We will celebrate together until our eyelids droop, we will dance festively until our feet swell, we will talk gayly until our tongues lag. Come one come all to the Mushroom Manor festivities! 

Your grateful host,
Hedge Hog

He wrote with gusto, he wrote with feeling, not once did he stop to think what to say. Not once did he stop to pass over a cold shouldered friend. Hedgehog invited everyone, addressed every envelope he had. He even invited the mail-frog! After Hedgehog licked the last envelope he tied his letters in a bundle with a piece of twine and took them to his mailbox which lay just at the end of his path surrounded by a beautiful circle of violets. 

The next morning Hedgehog was up bright and early. He hurried through his morning tasks. 
ā€œSweep the floor, Dust the lamp,ā€
He  mumbled them to himself.
ā€œPolish the stove, straighten the plates and bowls.ā€

ā€œDone! Now I can plan for the Harvest Party!ā€ Hedgehog wrote a list five pages long. He planned and planned, he made decorations, food, and places for everyone to sit. He made flower garlands to hang from the trees. Hedgehog worked hard all week and at last the day of the celebration arrived. 

Hedge Hog had woke with a fright. ā€œWhat if no one comes to the celebration today?ā€ He almost cried. He hadnā€™t minded all of the planning, and cooking, and work. Hedgehog was afraid he would have no one to celebrate with.  He was not a worrisome fellow though and pushed the sad thoughts out of his mind.
ā€œI have a lot of work to finish before tonight. I have the flower garlands to hang after the dew dries and I still have to spread out the tablecloths and lay out all of the food.ā€ 
Hedge Hog usually talked to himself because he didnā€™t have anyone else to talk to and he didnā€™t want to get out of the habit of talking. So Hedgehog talked and worked and worked and talked to himself all day. Soon the sun was sinking and evening arrived. He put on his best coat and hat and waited at the gate. He listened closely. Not a sound. He looked far in every direction. No one. He trembled a little. 

ā€œWas that the whistle of a songbird I hear?ā€ He listened closer. ā€œIs that a rumble of a cart?ā€ He strained to hear. 
ā€œNo, I guess Iā€™m just hearing things. Iā€™ll run inside and grab a couple of extra cups for the punch.ā€ He said enthusiastically. 
ā€œHallouā€ Cried a voice ā€œIs Hedgehog home?ā€ 
Hedge Hog was so excited to hear a voice calling him that he bumped his head on the cup cabinet. 
ā€œHallouā€ Cried Hedgehog. Hallou!ā€ He hurried out of Mushroom Manor grasping his cap and rattling punch cups. Rabbit and Squirrel where at the gate with frog, sparrow, and the chipmunk family coming down the lane. 
ā€œWelcome everyone!ā€ cried Hedgehog. Singing with delight ā€œWelcome!ā€ 
Hedgehog was so excited he could hardly stand still. He hurried from one friend to the next welcoming everyone, showing them where they could sit and helping them find a drink and food. 

After everyone had found a place to sit Hedgehog stood up on a tall stump and cleared his throat to get everyoneā€™s attention. The hustle and bustle quieted and everyone looked at Hedgehog. 
ā€œThank you everyone for coming. Please enjoy, there is a grand amount of food and the Lillypad band will be playing for you tonight!ā€
Everyone cheered and the festivities began. 

After Hedgehog climbed down from the stump he saw Mouse with his family sitting nearby. He hurried over to welcome them.
ā€œHello Mouse!ā€
Hello Hedgehog,ā€ He replied. ā€œThank you for inviting us to your party. You are very kind. This is my family.ā€ And Mouse introduced his wife and everyone of his children. 

Everyone loved Hedgehogā€™s party and promised to come and visit more often. They all agreed that Hedgehog had been neglected and that they would host a party in his honor next time. Each family left a little present for Hedgehog on their table as they left and wished him a happy winter. 

When Hedgehog had waved goodbye to the last guest he turned toward Mushroom Manor to see Mouse and his family cleaning up all of the dishes and taking down the flower garland. 

ā€œThank you Mouse,ā€ Said Hedgehog ā€œYou are a good friend!ā€ 
With the help of Mouse and his family they made quick work of cleaning up and soon Hedgehog was waving goodbye to them as well. 

ā€œWhat a lovely dayā€ sighed Hedge Hog as he crawled into bed. But he couldnā€™t say anything else to 
himself for he was already asleep dreaming of next Spring when he would see all of his new friends ag


Who is your favorite children's author? What is your favorite book to read to your children? Have you ever tried to write a story?


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