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Daily Encouragement

It can take a lot of little blessings to get us through a day sometimes. Constantly refocusing our thoughts on what is good, pure, and lovely. Here are some of my favorite things that I incorporate into my day to encourage and keep me focused.

Favorite Links:
1) Wellness Mama; is a mother who does her best to raise her family away from the harmful chemical, sugar addictions, and stated "norm" of our society. She has a wonderful podcast, that you can get through iTunes, that she uses to interview professional wellness doctors, and give her own story and experiences. Her website is full of very useful advice and is a great source of information for a beginner, or someone already experienced in an organic, all natural way of life.

2) Power of Moms; is run by April and Saren, two mothers who desire to encourage other mothers through programs, podcasts, books, and free information. I listen to their podcast while folding laundry or cooking dinner. They are full of good ideas, helpful hints, or a nudge of encouragement.

3) Small Town Simplicity; is written by Lydia J Will. She is a small time blogger with a big heart. She shares everyday moments in life that we all struggle with, times that make every family rejoice, and a perspective that we can all understand. A mother of 6 children, she has many stories to tell.

Favorites Papers: 
1)  Elisabeth Elliot Flip Calendar: There are some people in life that have a passion that shines brighter than most. Elisabeth Elliot is one of them, her passion for the Lord is something you can't get past. Each day I flip the calendar to a new quote from one her books and a corresponding Bible verse.

2) Psalm/Proverb: Taking a moment breather (even if it needs to be a "Bathroom Breather") and reading a Psalm or a chapter of Proverbs can be a great renewal. It doesn't take much to get your mind back on track.

3) For Instruction in Righteousness; written by Pam Forster this book is a topical reference guide for biblical child training; But can be used for anyone. The book is broken down into topics followed by pages of verses and scripture passages. Whenever you catch yourself struggling say with anger, turn to the page on anger, look up a few verses and set your mind back on God.

Favorite Outlets: 
1) Journaling: I find that journaling is a good way to sort through problems, vent without hurting anyone, and a great way to look back over your life to see where you've grown, an almost tangible way to count your blessings and of course a way to see where you need to work more.

2) Notes: Someone recently asked for an address to send an encouraging note to a friend in grief, and it made me stop and think. Why do we flood people in the hospital, at the graveside, or shut in at home with cards and encouragement, but rarely think to encourage the mother of three, the working father, or the athletic teenager. Encouraging others, is just as encouraging to yourself; and when you give to others in a time of need, God will bless you also in your time of need.

3) Online Compliments: In today's society you can't hardly leave out the social networks. In the same way you use paper to write a note to a friend, you can write an encouraging message on the many forms of social networking.

Each day comes with it's own struggles, but most days come with small mundane struggles. I hope these ideas help you create your own list of daily encouragements.



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